What is NFT Drop – A Quick Introduction

NFTs are here to stay, and we will show you where to look to find them completely free! Of course, there are few places where you can get free new technology, completely without taxes and strings attached. Well, maybe some strings, if you consider your attention as something you pay with.

In this article, we will go over the concept of NFT drops, some of the most exciting elements you should consider when it comes to this idea, and all the crucial factors to consider when getting your own NFT drops out there.

If it is something that you are looking for and would like to explore with us – then you should check out this article. So, without further ado, let’s go over some key elements that we can’t airdrop you, but we can do other things with it. 

What Is an NFT?

So, what is an NFT? That seems to be the thing that is on everyone’s mind, but people still seem to be confused by it, so we are here to help. The main thing to remember about NFTs is that they are tokens of ownership of the original piece of a digital asset. Contrary to what people commonly think, it is not the art itself but a certificate of ownership.

Another misconception about NFTs is within the acronym itself. NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. It means that you cannot exchange it. And here, you may think – wait a second, people are selling those tokens for millions of dollars; what does it mean that I can’t exchange it?

Well, differently from what we have seen with cryptocurrencies, those are unique and individual pieces that cannot be exchanged with each other. As you probably know, you can’t just go to the artist with your picture and say – hey, I have a picture; you have a vision; I will now exchange it for each other. Of course, you can make a deal to do that, but you cannot exchange one for another freely, like in the case of Bitcoins. It doesn’t matter if you have Bitcoin, no 1 or no 51; those are the same.

And finally, what can become an NFT? Well, pretty much – anything you want. If you have any piece of the medium that can be digitalized, you can put it on a blockchain, where it will be public and safe.

And now that we know all there is about the concept itself, let’s go over something that all NFT creators dreams about: the NFT drop!

This article is a segment of a more extensive piece. Read more about NFT basics and What is NFT.

What’s an NFT Drop?

Everywhere we go, it seems like it’s dropping NFTs. What does it mean exactly, and how can you benefit from it? 

A typical NFT drop is the release of an NFT or a whole collection. Whether it’s an NFT project from a famous artist or something more casual, NFT space is full of potentially notable drops that you can utilize to create your own NFT world.

The drop is commonly referred to as when the whole collection or a project goes live and be ready for sale. This is a significant moment, as it is the precise date and hour when the NFT investors can come in and start buying out the most exciting pieces – for a much lower price than on the secondary market.

So, right after the NFT minting process, you can check most NFT marketplaces, and you will quickly see that they are much more expensive. So, it is a great moment to invest in them and make your first NFT purchases for a fixed price!

How Does an NFT Drop Work?

So, how does it work exactly? Well, it all is based on the ERC721 standard on Ethereum, so be sure to get on the correct blockchain if you want to get some NFT drops first. Then, find out where the drop is taking place. The best way to go about it is to check the creator’s social media, find out which elements of the game are going on sale, or just observe the NFT bubble you are interested in so that you will be able to know every single detail about it.

The buying and selling process is the same as with all the other NFTs, so we will not go over all the details, but you need to have a crypto wallet connected to the specific blockchain where the NFTs are being minted. And there you go, you’ve just got yourself a deal! We will go a bit further into finding NFTs to invest in and where to find them in the latter part of this article.

What Are the Benefits of NFT Drops?

So, now that we know what we are talking about, let’s discuss a bit the benefits of even engaging in such NFT drops. Why are people doing it exactly? What can you gain from getting in on the action? Who should consider trying it out? If you have similar questions concerning new NFTs, check out what we have in store.


Creating hype for your NFT and selling it out in one single drop can be a somewhat risky situation, but if it worked, then it would pay up extensively. As we’ve seen many times in cases of Bored Ape Yacht Club or Crypto Punks, the hype is all that matters regarding NFTs. And, if you can create a good enough marketing strategy, you are more than halfway done in that regard. The only thing left to do is create a good-enough product that will interest the viewers.

Everything depends on the fact that you could make it go viral. Then, after saving some elements for yourself as an NFT creator, you can earn a lot of money by simply selling your assets to the secondary market. 

Great Introduction

NFT drops provide a very interesting utility, that is – being able to launch a great production. If you want to create a Play-2-Earn game, for example, it is the best idea first to gather the potential investors, create hype, and then sell the NFTs you’ve gathered in a first big sale that will give you back your investment and also – interest people in investing their time into it.

And, if they don’t have a full-fledged project yet, they can always develop it using the resources they gained during the initial sale.

Some companies use it to introduce themselves into the NFT market. Creating a big bunk of NFTs for a relatively small price can get your name out there, and that is not that far from accomplishing the goal of creating a viral new NFT collection. People will be able to get to know your product, what to do with it, and its benefits.

Where To Find NFT Drops

As mentioned, it is time to discuss exactly where you should be looking for your fresh new NFT drops. Where are those incredible new NFT collections? Well, there are many answers, and we cannot give you any specific ones as hundreds of thousands of sites and organizations are doing these drops, but we can guide you in the right direction. So, buckle up, and let’s review some of the best ways to find NFT drops. Let’s dive in!

Social Media

First up, we have the most obvious thing – social media. NFT is an online thing, and the best way to find anything online is to search for their social media advertising. Nowadays, it’s easier to see if a restaurant is open through their social media than on their website.

There are many places where NFTs are being marketed to people. Some of the most popular are still Twitter and Instagram, where, with the use of good hashtags. Most popular are: 

  • #nft- 100.00% 
  • #nftart- 52.08% 
  • #nfts- 39.05% 
  • #nftcollector- 33.95% 
  • #nftcommunity- 35.40% 
  • #cryptoart- 27.05% 
  • #digitalart- 26.42% 
  • #art- 27.73%) 

And for some NFT influencers, you should definitely consider following on Twitter:

  • @frankdegods.Followers: 145k
  • @pranksy Followers: 432k
  • @cobie Followers: 781k
  • @kevinrose Followers: 1.6 million.

And if you’re looking for something that will suit your particular needs, check out who they follow. Maybe you will find your next favorite NFT influencer.

You can find what you’re looking for in no time. Especially when thinking about investing your hard-earned money. Of course, it has some limitations, as people tend to talk a lot of nonsense on social media, but if you can get through this, you will notice that it’s not that hard after all.

Media Publications

The next thing that is probably a good source of information regarding some upcoming NFT drops in media publications from reputable sources. There are many places where you can find some very insightful articles about what will happen in the space and how you can benefit from investing early on.

In this regard, you only need to see if the medium is related in any shape or form to the drop they are promoting, as there may be some issues with some “influenced” opinions.

NFT Communities

Next, have our favorite NFT communities full of like-minded people giving each other tips on what to invest in. The best thing about that is that they are very informative and a relatively safe place for gathering information if you can find a legit group. Those people are fascinated by this crazy new world and want to explore it and discover everything there is about it.

It can be a subreddit or a Discord server, whatever you can find online. When it comes to discovering some good crypto scoops, those are where it’s happening the most. So, if you want to start your journey with NFTs, that’s not a bad place to look for. Here are some of the most interesting ones:


And finally, we have the NFT marketplaces, which are full of opportunities. There are a lot of drops happening there, and they are often announced in advance, so if you check them out frequently, there is a high chance that you will find something interesting. 

The only thing to remember is that there are some better or worse NFT marketplaces, so be sure not to go for the lesser-known ones, at least at the start. The most known are Binance, OpenSea, Rarible and Nifty Gateway.

Interesting NFT Drops to Consider

So, now that we’ve learned everything there is to know about NFTs and the market, let’s talk briefly about some of the more exciting drops that could be happening right now. Of course, those are just some examples, but it’s a good start if you want to look for something interesting online. Let’s dive in!


The first thing on our list is our beloved digital horses from Silks. For some reason, people seem to be enjoying online horse racing, and maybe Silks’s quality is why.

Every horse is linked to a real-life animal, and their achievements on the actual tracks will benefit the horse in the online world. Additionally, if you own a racing horse in real life, you can benefit from it in the Silks metaverse. If it seems to be just crazy enough to be accurate, then it’s because it is.

Meta Triads

The next thing on our list is Meta Triads. If you like the Cyberpunk game, then you will love this one. It’s 10,000 NFTs of three types of characters – Human, Humanoid, and Hybrid. Additionally, there is a whole story behind this concept, and you can get characters closer and further from the central theme. 

The NFTs can also be utilized in the Meta Triads Marketplace, where you can create a fashion showroom online. If this is not cyber-punk, we don’t know what it could be.

Guild of Guardians

The next game on our list is The Guild of Guardians. A relatively popular fantasy game where you can play an almost complete version of an RPG title. This shows you how far the NFT gaming industry has come from basic games of egg hatching to something playable and exciting in the gaming world.

Currently, over 130,000 members on the waiting list want to be the first to play the game, and from what we’ve seen in the trailers and gameplay, it can undoubtedly be the next big thing.

How to Create an NFT Drop?

So, let’s not go over some ground rules of NFT dropping. The most important thing to consider is that you need to have fun while doing so, as otherwise, you will probably end up only working and never playing. Let’s get to it, then!

Create a Story

The first thing to remember in this case and many in the contemporary art world is that you should start with the story about the collection. Why otherwise would people buy it if there is nothing they could relate to?

You have to ask yourself plenty of questions, like – why would YOU buy anything from this collection, why is it essential even to consider it an important part of a portfolio, and most importantly, is there anything you can gain from it? You are on the right track if you can answer at least some of those questions positively.

In most cases, you must understand the Zeitgeist and try to express it through your vulnerability. It’s not often that you can do that these days, so the more honest, or honest+ as people say in the biz, the more people will believe in your story.

Find Your (Market)Place

The next thing you need to do is decide on what kind of blockchain you will use. There are a couple of exciting options that you should consider. For starters, think about what your goal is with this NFT drop. Is it something that you want to present to the widest audience possible? Or maybe it’s something that you want to target to a specific audience?

Different strategies exist for different approaches, so consider all the factors before launching your NFT drop.

Most people work with Ethereum, but it is the most expensive blockchain, so if you want your NFT launch to be more accessible to the general public, this may not be the optimal solution. You can always try a relatively less expensive Solana or Polygon, which also can be utilized for this purpose.

Then, be sure to find out the best NFT marketplace to suit your needs. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, so make an informed choice. The best-known are OpenSea, Nifty Gateway, Rarible, or Binance, but there are plenty more to choose from.

Create Smart Contracts

The next thing you need to do is to create NFT smart contracts for your upcoming drops. Those are all the stipulations that you would like to have for your customers. There are many things to include in there, but the most essential ones are:

  • The royalty fee from the resale of NFTs.
  • On-chain or off-chain drop – on-chain means that all the metadata and smart contracts are stored on the blockchain; off-chain, on the other hand, means that the actual NFT, the graphic or video itself does not “live” on the blockchain, only the smart contract does. It makes the whole process much easier and faster. Most NFTs are off-chain.
  • Maximum mint amount.
  • Additional features for buyers.


Next, you need to create hype and marketing. You can summarize the whole NFT world with one word – Hype. There is no other way of going about it than just saying it straight-up – people will believe what others tell them to think.

In the NFT world, it is more apparent than anywhere else. The marketing element is probably the most important among all the other points on this list, as it can change the outcome of the whole project. If you can communicate effectively on your social media channels, in the community, through your website, etc., you can create a great project that will sell for quite a lot of money.

You can just look at the example of the Bored Ape Yach Club and how they conquered the market. And the way they did it was pretty simple. Firstly, they aggressively marketed their project on Twitter, gaining lots of followers while doing so. 

Simultaneously, they bought the ads in the most popular magazines in the industry, making it feel like it was official and legit. And, while we’re on a subject, they made sure that all their social media accounts were verified. Thanks to that, everyone who was interested in investing felt like it wasn’t just another “crypto scam” but a legit collection from a legit company.

Most successful NFT projects are based on creating hype, collaborating with NFT influencers, and getting right with the NFT calendar. That way, you will be able to not only create an interesting project but also benefit from it.

Know Your Customer 

And, ad hoc to the last point – know your customer! It’s the best way of getting to them directly. Additionally, you will not have any problems with secondary market sales, creating an additional drop, etc.

You need to understand what is the age of your customers, what is their sex, how much money are they making, what is the level of their education. How to do it? Well, if you are marketing correctly, then it will be the person who you marketed to. But, you can always check in the analytics of your website or on any social media platform. People use their SM accounts rather honestly, so it would give you some kind of understanding of who you are addressing.

The one thing to consider is that you should always understand your customer’s needs and be ahead of them. If you know who you are advertising to, it will be so much easier to make it more palatable for them and profitable for you. It’s a win-win situation, the best kind!

Get Your Team Ready!

Next to remember is to get your team ready for the job. There are plenty of ways to change the outcome of your team’s performance by getting them prepared for some significant drop. 

  • Ensure that everyone is ready for anything that may come their way, 
  • Check if everyone knows their role, 
  • Ensure that the customer service team is ready to answer any questions.

Your stakeholders need to be aware of the drop happening, your service team needs to be available 24/7, and your social media should flourish with amazing material from happy customers and incredible graphics.

How to Get NFT Airdrop – Conclusion

And here we are, at the end of the line. Whether we are talking about creating or buying NFT drops, one thing remains the same – it’s an incredible way of investing your money and time.

From some basic upcoming drop you find anywhere, to some high-end art – you can do pretty much everything if you put your mind to it. As we’ve highlighted many times in this article, marketing is the most crucial element of many NFT drops. It all boils down to how well you can present your product to your target audience and how responsive they can be with their answer.

Whether you are trying to sell or buy an NFT, remember to be safe and only buy or sell on reputable marketplaces. Plenty of people try to take advantage of this concept, so be sure to look out for those. Verify any transaction that you are entering, set a limit to your fees and be sure to, as an investor, never miss an opportunity that you would ultimately take only because you fear that you wouldn’t know what to do with it.

If you want to see more articles on various NFT-related topics, check out our rich library, which is full of great information. That it is for today, but you can’t afford to lose the next one!

By Natan Zelik

A dedicated copywriter with vast knowledge of gaming-related topics, NFT, and broadly defined technology. Privately, a proud member of PCMR, a fan of story-driven games, anime/manga, and a crime fiction enthusiast.

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