Best NFT Roadmaps – [Meet 8 Exciting NFT Examples]

Every NFT project needs to build a roadmap to attract as many investors and buyers as possible by providing a general guide to the project’s expectations. This is crucial since the target sales of the project’s creators are to keep NFT enthusiasts and new collectors interested through a transparent strategy that reveals the key points of the collection. 

If you have never seen a roadmap for non-fungible tokens’ projects, we share the Best NFT Roadmaps according to our judgment and general opinions. Then, focus and check the guides below to create your roadmap that reflects the clear plan behind your NFT collection. Let’s go straight to it!

What Is an NFT Roadmap?

A roadmap is a pitch deck and a strategic plan that sets specific targets for the team, providing schedules and stages to reach them. A roadmap documents milestones and provides guidance to NFT enthusiasts, both founders and new collectors.  

NFT roadmaps promise NFT investors and future holders certain achievements over time on specific dates. These achievements must be tangible points with certain dates that help to manage the specifications of NFT enthusiasts and investors.

Does Your Project Need a Roadmap or Not?

If you’re thinking about creating your own NFT project, consider building a clear roadmap for it. Of course, not all NFT projects have a roadmap, but a visual of this nature brings multiple benefits. 

Advantages of Incorporating a Proper NFT Roadmap in Your Project

A roadmap is an essential tool and a fundamental track record to build trustworthy relationships between you and your community and investors. But beyond this, an NFT roadmap brings multiple benefits to your own project.

  1. A Roadmap Helps You to Communicate Your Project’s Vision

A roadmap document is a good way of transmitting your vision about the NFT utilities, the NFT world, and how you understand collectibles, digital assets, interactions, investment, developments, and more. This project timeline also allows you to express your intentions to the world and NFT enthusiasts and how you want to help the world community.  

  1. A Roadmap Clearly Defines the Project’s Objectives

NFT investors, collectors, holders, and members of your community want to know your project’s goals and objectives. They need to see the sense of your project, your target audience, and what you’ll offer over time. 

All the goals defined in your roadmap should be smart goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound). 

  1. It Adds Value to Your Project

Your NFT project is more than just artwork. It likely includes and develops other aspects and things of interest, such as investments, real-world interactions, objects, events, etcetera. An NFT roadmap will put your project in perspective. 

It will also make it clear to the NFT community that your project is serious and that members and NFT holders are buying something other than just beautiful artwork. Besides, a perfect NFT roadmap may mean the difference between the project’s success and failure. 

  1. It Helps to Create Trustworthiness in Your Community 

Reliability, transparency, and trustworthiness are almost everything regarding relationships with NFT enthusiasts, especially in your thriving community. Attracting new people to your project and potential investors involves your roadmap showing that you’re in the long haul and proves your commitment to the project. In a few words, your roadmap demonstrates that you’re passionate about transforming your clear vision into reality.  

  1. An NFT Roadmap Outlines Your Next Moves

Every successful NFT collection uses a monthly roadmap that reminds developers and creators what goals they have achieved and what their following goals should be. A roadmap is a guide that helps you to track progress and the project’s status. It also lets you plan the next moves and strategies if your project finds unexpected challenges.   

What Should a Proper NFT Roadmap Template Include?

Although this document does not have a single way of form, an NFT roadmap regularly integrates precise dates and specific milestones. You can also divide the roadmap into several phases, quarters to months, depending on the nature of your project.

For instance, if you create a new roadmap, it’s good practice to include pre-launch marketing or a Discord server that will be released in the project’s first months in phase one. In the second phase, you can mention the start of the minting process. In other stages, you can explain the release of exclusive content, new features, and deliverables for prospective investors. 


  • Quarter 1
    • Pre-launch marketing.
    • Discord community,
  • Quarter 2
    • Minting process
    • Exclusive events and benefits for first 100 holders.
  • Quarter 3.
    • Unique and time-limited merchandise.
    • NFT market store for selling NFTs and related products. 
  • Quarter 4.
    • First images of new projects.
    • New dates for upcoming projects. 

7 Best NFT Roadmap Examples

In this section, we’re describing seven good NFT roadmap examples currently existing on the web. These cases will give you some NFT roadmap ideas to inspire you to create your own visual. 

  1. Cool Cats

Cool Cats is a successful NFT project and blue-chip brand that started with the creation of a comic character known as the Blue Cat. Currently, Cool Cats is a spread brand featuring digital collectibles, comics, animated content, games, and merchandise. Cool Cats features a good NFT roadmap since, when they created the Blue Cat in 2013, they established a series of steps and milestones to grow their influence, community, and relevance. 

Its roadmap is based on its graphics and style, clearly taking ideas from the world and community they’re trying to create. As you can see in the image above, it looks like an excellent illustrator of a timeline-based NFT project roadmap. Besides, this roadmap clearly defines objectives in the period.  

  1. Cool Monkes

Cool Monkes is an interactive PvE collection with 9,999 funny pieces of art. Like other projects in this list, all traits of this collection are hand-made, so artists’ creativity and talent are abundant. Besides, all monkeys created here are part of an interesting NFT game, so expectations about this game’s future are high.

Talking about its roadmap, it’s the same, i.e., it uses a similar hand-made style and graphics to show its fullest potential. The Cool Monkes’ roadmap focuses on specific goals, no dates, no timelines, just on the project’s potential and clear milestones.     

If you love this type of graphic design and need more than just technical knowledge about how to use specialized platforms or software, Cool Monkes is a great example for such purposes.   

  1. Bored Ape Yacht Club

The popular Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT project also has its own roadmap since developers constantly improve the project and even create new collections related to BAYC. Among all the NFT roadmap examples we mention here, the Bored Ape Yacht Club project has the most straightforward roadmap. Besides, it’s effortless and fun to read.

This solid NFT roadmap is built based on the percentage of digital art pieces they sell. For instance, when 40 % of the collection was sold, the BAYC’s project got its own Youtube channel and LoFi Radio.    

The BAYC’s roadmap is an excellent roadmap example since it shows you that you can organize your roadmap as you believe it’s better for your project. 

  1. Lazy Lions

Lazy Lions is an interesting NFT collection that includes several related products in addition to its leading characters: the lazy lions. This project also contains bungalows, unique NFT environments for its lions, drinks, and cubs that you can use to improve the life of lions. 

Lazy Lions is one of those NFT projects that provide a simple illustration organized in different sections that give information regarding milestones and goals. Website visitors can easily navigate sections and check the objectives of the roadmap. It’s an interactive NFT space that can even be fun to investigate.    

  1. Azuki MindMap

Azuki is an interesting NFT project based on anime aesthetics. Such as its roadmap shows – it’s a characteristic manga-anime graphic that stands out for its simplicity and elegance. Something interesting about Azuki Mindmap is that it’s not a timeline, but more of a grid with several sections, just like a manga or comic book. Another interesting point about Azuki MindMap is that it tracks the project’s progress by marking it as “Complete,” “Exploring,” or “In Progress.”

  1. Karafuru

Karafuru is a particular NFT project with a fascinating Japanese aesthetic style. As a constantly evolving NFT project, Karafuru’s developers created a complete environment with multiple unique digital assets, events, and more. 

Its roadmap clearly presents the project’s main challenges and the key milestones it needs to achieve. 

Just like Azuki MindMap, the Karafuru roadmap uses several sections to describe its original plan’s stages. In this sense, Karafuru keeps its roadmap document simple by highlighting crucial and realistic goals. 

The Karafuru roadmap also foregrounds real-life events by indicating when merchandise, events, and partnerships will happen.      

  1. Pop Art Cats

Pop Art Cats collection is an adventure inside the PoP Art World created by the artist Matt Chessco, featuring 9,999 pieces of cute pop cats. You need to become the owner of one to start with the adventure.

Regarding its roadmap, it boasts a hand-made style, just like the pop art cats. It’s a clear picture through which Chessco explains his project’s main objectives and milestones. This way, he convokes potential buyers to check his work and the benefits he will offer over time. 

For example, at the first of the project, Chessco offers free exclusive merchandise, such as t-shirts, canvas prints, and more. He also plans to create a pop art gallery in the metaverse, through which he intends to award four artists.

Successful projects like the PoP Art Cats collection use a similar style and aesthetics between the NFTs and its roadmap.  

  1. Fishy Fam

Fishy Fam is another cartoon-style NFT collection with 9,999 fishy digital tokens. Its project roadmap is straightforward, briefly describing the project’s strong points. For example, Fishy Fam puts effort into cleaning up oceans by organizing charity events. In this sense, they attract investors and enthusiasts and seek to build a strong community engaged with green causes. Its roadmap does not offer a detailed plan but reflects the NFT utility and measurable goals they want to achieve in the short term.

The Bottom Line    

What makes a good NFT roadmap? At a quick glance, a good but brief description of the main achievements and their estimated release date. But a well-planned roadmap also presents a unique style and graphics consistent with the original work. 

It’s also recommended you update your roadmap occasionally to highlight fully achieved goals and those you need to accomplish soon. 

Your NFT collection is more than just your artwork; it’s also a thing of effort, planning, desired outcomes, future benefits, and the proper roadmap. It will help you to stay organized and express your project in more detail. Stakeholders will appreciate this. 

Finally, an excellent roadmap creates trust in your brand by avoiding unrealistic goals and keeping your feet on the ground. 

By Daniel Santi

A seasoned content writer with over 7 years of experience. Combining his expertise in writing with a background in architecture and visual arts, Daniel brings a unique perspective to the world of NFTs, blockchain, and emerging technology. His artistic skills and technical expertise enable him to create stunning, one-of-a-kind NFTs that push the boundaries of what's possible in the digital space.

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