NFT Marketing Examples to Inspire Your Next Campaign

The world of digital assets is becoming one of the favorites for investors and people looking for quick profit. Thanks to the enormous price of some NFT collection pieces, people see the NFT space as the perfect opportunity to start investing.

Besides the number of collectors, we also notice an enormous increase in NFT creators and artists wanting to enter the NFT market. Thus, it becomes indispensable to have good NFT marketing strategies.

Every detail, like the NFT community where you share your assets and the NFT selling platforms you choose, will have a distinct impact on your NFT marketing strategy. Understanding your target audience and analyzing the best type of campaign to promote your digital asset will increase your sales and visibility in the NFT world.

In this article, we will show you the main topics you must analyze when creating your NFT marketing campaigns, along with some examples to get inspiration. Follow each step carefully to ensure the best results when promoting your NFT project.

The Importance of a Comprehensive NFT Marketing Strategy

More than just increasing your visibility, a good marketing strategy can be the perfect way to generate engagement for an upcoming collection. Moreover, it also helps the NFT owner to prospect new collectors and investors to sell the assets.

Any NFT marketplace platform is full of creators with multiple types of NFTs, so simply uploading the digital file and waiting for it to sell is not enough. NFT marketers must build solid campaigns through NFT influencers or simply social media marketing.

Marketing your NFT projects is indispensable, and the biggest names in the industry know that pretty well. Famous projects, like Bored Ape Yacht Club, are constantly investing in new marketing campaigns and strategies to attract more investors for the project.

What Makes a Marketing Campaign Good

Many people think that the only relevant metric related to the marketing campaign is the number of sales. But the factors that make a strategy good and effective go far beyond that.

When building this kind of project, the NFT marketer must consider multiple aspects and metrics for measuring its effectiveness.


A high engagement is one of the most important characteristics a campaign should have to be considered good. Having a massive number of people interacting with the marketing project you created is a sign that it was effective and reached the target audience. This engagement will make your project known to the new public, generate more hype, and consequently increase sales volumes of your art pieces.


Conversions are also an essential aspect of an NFT campaign. Some of the most notable NFT promotion projects successfully turned viewers into customers that actually bought NFTs. 

But they are not restricted only to purchase actions. You can create content that transforms visitors into frequent users of your blog, for example, or even fans of your work that will share your updates and new arts, creating organic marketing.

When designing a campaign, you must also create a smart call to action that makes people want to acquire NFTs or do any requested action, like subscribing to a newsletter. These conversions are crucial data for measuring if your marketing expenses were worth it.

Adequate Platform and Format

Another factor that can be decisive for the performance of your NFT collectibles marketing is the platform and content format. 

Successful campaigns always consider different aspects before choosing the platform. Think about your target audience and their platforms of choice. Also, select a format of content they like to consume and are more likely to engage with. Doing this ensures that your digital marketing performance will be considerably higher.

NFT Marketing Campaign Examples to Inspire

Now that you know the most important factors for a successful campaign in the digital world, it is time to see some examples of marketing campaigns that became a reference for this kind of promotion. These marketing actions reached a large audience and raised awareness about the NFT collections being promoted.

Here are the examples:

VeeFriends Exclusive Events

VeeFriends is one of the most famous brands in the digital art world. The creation by Gary Vaynerchuk started as a small community and now is one of the best places for exchanging information about NFTs and learning the basics if you’re an enthusiast.

One of the best marketing actions created by the group was the exclusive events idealized especially for the NFT holders. People with any digital artwork from VeeFriends would receive special invitations to these events. They would go from events to announce upcoming collections to talks with professionals of the market and famous NFT influencers.

This action was shared on the group’s multiple accounts on different platforms and turned out a complete success. The social media posts promoting gathered new users that didn’t know about VeeFriends and could convert multiple users that bought their first NFT to access the exclusive events.

It is an excellent example of increasing sales volume by giving exclusive benefits to NFT owners and generating engagement through this action. These benefits combined with well-structured promotion on social channels were able to not only give VeeFriends more visibility but also skyrocket sales on NFT marketplaces.

NBA Top Shot

When discussing digital assets in the sports world, it is impossible to forget the NBA Top Shot NFT collection. It is the perfect example that you don’t need to share your digital assets through different NFT selling platforms to achieve a high volume of visitors to your project.

The top shot was a special website created just for selling NFT items from the NBA and was a complete success. Its marketing was done through social media and also during the commercials of basketball games. 

The collection became an absolute success and was one of the pioneers of the sports universe to enter the digital art world. People worldwide were acquiring the assets and exchanging them for other desired NFT pieces, like a physical card game. The collection was composed of 30 unique assets, and the project announcement was made through a video featuring the player Kevin Durant.

Adidas Originals “Into the Metaverse”

Another great example of a known brand that created an incredible campaign to enter the NFT universe was Adidas. With the “Into the Metaverse” project, the brand would send physical items to the NFT holders of specific assets.

These rewards were not only from Adidas but also from Bored Ape Yacht Club and other brands. By doing this, the NFT project gathered two different types of public.

The first one was the collectors that saw the opportunity to invest in the digital item and make a profit in the future. The other public was the fans that wanted the physical pieces and bought the NFTs to receive them. The integration between physical and digital was able to gather numerous fans and was one of the most successful NFT projects in this format. 

Bored Ape Yacht Club

Undoubtedly, BAYC creators are the marketing kings, and most of their actions go viral. But the highlight of their actions is the organic marketing they generate.

It is common to see famous people, like Neymar Jr and Mark Cuban, sharing their BAYC pieces. None of these influencers were paid to share the pictures, and when they did, millions of people started looking for the collection.

Making people organically share acquired pieces of your collections is the cheapest marketing action you can use. Once people do this, they are showing your work to hundreds or maybe thousands of other users that can become followers of your content.

Additionally, the company responsible for BAYC also grants you access to the “Club” once you acquire one of these NFTs. It is a series of special events and benefits given to those holders. It generates even more hype and also creates a lot of organic content for them since people like to share everything about these events on social media.

Bud Light NEXT

Bud Light made one of the most hyped commercials of 2022 for the Super Bowl. The Bud Light NEXT was launched in February, one week before the game, along with releasing a new NFT collection for the public.

The project comprised more than twelve thousand pieces, and, like most collections, the users that acquired one received special items. The entire collection sold out even before the ads for the Super Bowl started and was an absolute success that generated 4.5 million dollars in revenue for the brand.

It was a mutual relationship between physical and digital products, where people that bought the drink were curious to look for the NFTs online, and the NFT collectors started looking for the physical product to taste it.

Taco Bell NFTs

Another fun campaign that was a tremendous success and had its art pieces sold out in less than a day was the NFT collection from Taco Bell. The collection was composed of taco artworks with prices starting from less than two dollars. The entire collection was sold out in less than 30 minutes, and the company raised US$200,000, destined for the brand’s scholarship foundation.

More than just the money raised, the campaign was responsible for attracting a lot of visibility to the artists involved, generating an impact that, for these artists, was worth more than the price paid for the artworks. It is an excellent example of the effects an NFT campaign can have on the company and everyone involved in the project.

Hot Wheels NFT Garage

The NFT collection from Hot Wheels is another perfect example of integration between the digital and physical worlds. The collection was composed of multiple pieces with different rarities.

Users who acquired pieces from the top two tiers (platinum and treasure hunter), like in other NFT projects, also received a physical copy of the vehicle. The campaign was shared mainly on the brand’s social media platforms and was an absolute success, with all the units sold in less than a week.

It is one of the best ways to make an NFT feel tangible and create a connection between the asset and the owner. We see this kind of marketing action in digital shoes and other items. Still, Mattel took it a step further, with cars customized specifically for these users that acquired the exclusive drops.


You don’t need to be a big company to run quality NFT marketing campaigns; Dippies is the perfect example. The project had an incredible idea for marketing their art pieces that also reinforces the collection concept: Hippies sharing the same values in real life and virtually.

Once you get a Dippie, you can visit their official website and control them online. You could live a hippie lifestyle in the Dippeverse as in real life.

The experience also has a campaign mode with background music and a storyline to follow. It is a fun experience that convinced many users to acquire a Dippie just to try it.

The NFT campaign is a great example that a clever idea and its proper execution are more than enough. Once you understand the audience you want to reach, you just need to do something creative that catches the attention of your potential buyers.

Time to Promote Your Own NFT Project

We see tons of new NFT projects appearing daily on different platforms. That said, a good marketing strategy can be a decisive factor in making your collection shine among the others. Marketing has the responsibility not only to increase the visibility of your newest NFT but also to encourage users to interact with your profiles and content.

When creating your marketing plan, you should consider multiple factors, like the target segments and the social media platform where you’ll make promotional posts. Everything needs to be consistent and aligned with your objectives.

Now that you know everything you need, it is time to start selling NFTs and creating well-structured marketing plans for promoting them. We showed you some of the most famous examples of strategies used in the NFT world.

Use them as a source of inspiration for creating your next project. Remember that a successful campaign begins with choosing the right place to make the promotion.

By Lucciano Pelizzoli

Whether it's explaining the intricacies of blockchain technology or researching the latest trends in the NFT market, Lucciano has a knack for turning technical jargon into easily digestible prose. He combines his passion for writing with an insatiable curiosity for all things tech. Having started his adventure with NFT while studying marketing at PUCRS, Lucciano sees his future in creating his own NFT projects on the Solana blockchain platform.

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