The Cheapest NFT Opportunities – Where to Invest?

The popular demand for NFT-related information is still high. To satisfy your needs, we’ve created a guide on another way to invest in this relatively new concept and profit off margin.

In this article, we will be looking at some of the most exciting and cheapest NFT collections. With every new NFT project, there is a unique possibility to invest, and if you could get them before they get famous, you can rely on some pretty high gains.

So, if you are an NFT enthusiast or just want to invest some money in the right place, don’t miss out on this!

This article is a segment of a more extensive piece :

What Is an NFT

Let’s first explain the topic at hand. NFTs are short for non-fungible tokens. What does it mean? To keep it short, it means that you can prove the originality of a piece of digital media. For example, if you have an image, you can create multiple copies, right? But you can’t say which is the original, as they are all identical.

In the case of NFTs, it’s completely different. You can mint NFTs, and it’s a way of making them unique on the blockchain. That way, it is an entirely secure and public way of announcing that a specific copy among the others is branded “the original.”. Why does it matter? Because then you can work with the provably unique copy. And that can be worth something. No one would want just an image that you can copy endlessly, but an image with certified proof of originality – that is something many people can work with.

Why Should You Invest in Cheap NFTs?

So, now that we know what we are working with let’s see if it’s even a viable investment, at least in the case of some cheap NFT options.

Of course, finding the right ones is one of the most challenging tasks to accomplish. If you could be confident which one will blow up, you are either a scam artist or can look into the future. And both of those are not recommended career paths for most people.

But, if you are looking for your first NFT purchase to feel out the whole NFT craze, we have some reasons for you.


To find cheap NFTs, you must be all about their potential and know how to value specific token. It’s usually the case that affordable NFTs are those before their big break. But, if you can spot the most promising cheap NFTs and then sell them for an outrageous price – you can be the next NFT millionaire.

To be honest, it’s usually not the case, but if your NFTs would go up 50% or even 100% per piece, that’s still a good profit, isn’t it?


Investing in low-cap NFTs can be beneficial to your potential profits. It’s understandable that if you would like to buy CryptoPunk, you’d have to take a mortgage to do it. However, if you could buy NFTs that could become one of those punks, the amount of profit would be insane. Especially because NFTs is still a growing sector.


But it’s not all about the money. Sometimes, it’s all about helping others. We’ve seen NFTs concepts that were sold to help the world. If you buy an NFT tree, the creators will plant the real one. There are many utilities of exposing people to ideas with NFTs and just making a difference. With so many NFT projects, there’s always a way of utilizing the technology for good!

Lesser Known

Additionally, there are lots and lots of less established projects that are just waiting for exposure. Investing in them at the beginning of their journey can be a brilliant idea for the future. Some of the most significant projects also have their lesser-known counterparts, and getting them cheaper can be an absolute steal!

The Cheapest NFT Opportunities

So, with that in mind, let us look at some of the best cheap NFT opportunities at the time of writing this article. Who knows, maybe there are some incredible new digital art possibilities for you to check out, or maybe some blew up to ungodly amounts. Nevertheless, here are some of our picks!

Wen Sandwich

Migwashere – could be a name that you have never heard of. But if you’re interested in the crypto space, some bells may be ringing here and there. Well, you have undoubtedly heard about the Bored Ape Yacht Club. Yeah? That’s the guy who created it.

Wen Sandwich is their latest project. What is it all about? It is an artwork that you can create for yourself. With these 150 ingredients, you can make some crazy sandwiches that will suit all of your needs. There are some familiar elements that most people know and cherish but also some niche elements that you could use if you would like to create something unique.

The most crucial element of this project is that anyone can do it with any cultural background. If you want to create a bratwurst sandwich, go ahead. If you want to grab some kind of American-style burger-like sandwich – there’s a place for you to do so.

Be quick, minting is still up and running at the moment, but if you miss, you will have to settle for less, and no one likes that. You can get your sandwich at 0.05 ETH, so create your perfect combination now! Visit the official Wen Sandwich website!


Don’t be cocky! – or rather, don’t be cocky; get some cocky NFTs! It’s a great example of utilizing NFTs for something other than just simply selling/profiting off of them.

Cocky is a lifestyle allowing owners to access some of the most incredible musical events worldwide. What does it mean? Well, it’s a chance to get into the exclusive club full of people who love music and exclusivity.

The central concept of Cocky is that it utilizes the NFT space by creating events that can’t be bought. You have to be a part of an exclusive club; by that, you will have to own The Can. Because – Cocky is a set of creatively designed cans allowing owners to get into at least two real-life events a year. 

There are 10,000 Cocky Cans with 51 skins and three colored lids to differentiate between tiers of advancement. One of those is a “Black Can” that allows you to get into the events and have a plus two invite, access some luxury resorts, meet with the artists, and much more. For example, the Blacking Out event, where they will be treated like VIPs before accessing the event.

One of the most exciting aspects of those NFTs is Mutations. They are the elements that appear in the background of the NFTs when their holders attend an event or interact with the whole system. 

How does it work in practice? Well, it’s like registering to vote. As a Cocky holder, you inform the organizers whether you would like to attend the event. If they decline, they can sell the ticket or just not go if it’s something they dislike. You can see more details on the Cocky website.


It used to be Tamagotchi; now we get Tamadoge. It is one of the more exciting projects on our list as it aligns with what we call P2E, which means – play to earn. The idea is simple. You play a game during which you gain NFTs as a form of reward. You then can use those NFTs to advance in the game or simply sell them on one of the many NFT marketplaces.

How does it work with this particular game? Well, it’s pretty simple. You buy a virtual dog, raise it, breed it with other virtual dogs. There is also a combat element to it, where dogs can fight with each other and win prizes. There are multiple pets to fight and breed with, and you will have to find out the most promising to create the rarest of them all!

After that, you will be able to turn your pretty little dog into an NFT and sell it on the market or, as we’ve stated before, breed it further to get an even rarer dog. There is a ranking system involved, we won’t get into that much detail about it, but you can certainly say it’s worth investing in 

Why? Let’s just say that the Tamadoge can be pretty convincing money-wise. Just from presale, the creators gathered 19 million dollars. Still not convinced? What about the value going from three cents per coin to almost twenty in just a few days? Some call it luck. Some call it nearly 700% of net profit. Some of those people are right.

Is it worth the risk? Some may say the Tamadoge days are over, but that is far from the truth. The creators are still introducing new content, and we think it may be an excellent time to start getting your dogs out there. You never know; maybe your dog will be the next top breeder.

If you want to learn more about this game or play it in your free time, you should seriously check out the official Tamadoge website.

Battle Infinity

Another gaming NFT is on our cheapest NFT list. Battle Infinity is a unique crypto project centered around the concept of connecting fantasy sports with some real, yet crypto, business.

It’s an all-in-one kind of scenario, with six ecosystem branches that take care of all the elements. The first one is a fantasy sports league. Here’s how it works if you’ve never heard of such a concept. Every week you pick out the team players from the real world for your team. You get some currency initially, or you can buy it if you want more.

Then, you pick the players, and some are cheaper than others. After each performance, the players get points for their real-life activity. It varies when it comes to a position or performance. Some players will earn bonus points for scoring goals if we’re talking about football, and some for having a clean sheet. Whatever it is, you get points for your players’ performance and earn even more currency.

In the case of Battle Infinity, you need to buy an NFT pass to participate in the league. If you’re looking for cheap NFTs, Battle Infinity is seriously worth considering. The value of this one is at an all-time low, so there is no better time to invest than now, especially when many commentators state that the Battle Infinity could be the next big thing, especially with their Premier League launch.

But it’s not only a sports league. Battle Infinity is also an NFT marketplace, decentralized exchange, Metaverse arena, various P2E games combined, and a staking NFT platform simultaneously. It’s a bit of a gambit, but everything seems to favor them.

To find out more about Battle Infinity, visit the official website.


Let us be the first to admit it – we like horseracing as much as the next guy. But we never considered it to be an exciting thing! As it turns out if you add some futuristic elements, a few fantastical elements, and a Play2Earn motivator – you will quickly gain some interest, just like us!

So, what is this fuss all about? Well, we would like to introduce a beautiful horse racing game to you – Silks. Silks are incredible one-of-a-kind P2E with a metaverse that resembles the real horse breeding world. Expect it’s in this unknown space, full of mystery and craziness.

The NFT market currently has no shortage of projects and collections on sale. However, very few of them offer something new and unprecedented.

Like in the case of Battle Infinity, it is also connected to the real world of horse racing. Horses in the game are connected to their avatars, so if they win in real life, players get NFT rewards for that.

Though, there is much to gain with multiple Silks Avatars or Horses with different levels of rarity. There is a total of 10,000 Silks Avatars. You can buy horses, breed them with each other, trade, and race. So it has this hatching/fantasy combo we never knew was possible until now. As it is also a metaverse, you can build Horse Farms on Silks Lands there and live in this horse-centered world. But also – gain some stacks! The entry level is low enough that anyone can join horse-around and get their fair share of rewards. 

If it’s something that you feel could be interesting to you, you should check out the official Silks Avatars website!

The Indifferent Duck

Every NFT artist knows that you must create something unique if you want to get ahead in this game. Well then, let us introduce you to The Indifferent Duck! Every NFT holder has to have some meme element in their portfolio, with The Indifferent Duck undoubtedly being one of the more interesting ones.

This one is on the lower end if you want to buy cheap NFTs. It’s a collection of pretty, unique ducks you can buy, hatch, and modify. The concept is simple – the duck is indifferent. So, add whatever you feel it should express through its outfit or duck-facial features.

Additionally, the creators came up with a pretty interesting minting system. You don’t buy an NFT and then mint it. You use BRAVO Maker, where you drag all the elements you want your  duck to have in the egg. It’s a pretty exciting way of utilizing something you would not often see as part of the creative process.

The Indifferent ducks are up for sale. Some may say that it is one of the stupidest concepts ever created. In what world would some people pay millions of dollars for a pixelized artform that brings little to nothing to the table? To those people, we have two words – Crypto Punks. Thank you very much.

If you’re interested in duck adventures, check out the official Indifferent Duck website.

Lucky Block

Do you feel like gambling? What do you think about owning a Lamborghini? Are you a gambling person at heart? Well, if you answered at least one of these questions positively, welcome to the beautiful world of the Lucky Block.

It’s grand, beautiful, and full of incredible prizes, including one million dollars in Bitcoin and (not the cheapest) Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT. Oh, and also Lamborghini and a mansion. Feeling lucky already?

LBLOCK is essentially a casino, to be frank. If you want to enter some primary competitions, you need an LBLOCK.

How does it work? Just get in and start playing one of the LBLOCK games to win big prizes. As in the case of all gambling, there is a relatively high potential that you will lose. And then lose some more. But in some cases, this LBLOCK ticket you bought can have some weight to it after all. If you have some luck, you can get something to set you up for life.

If you want to learn more about this concept, visit the official Lucky Block website.


MyCryptoHeroes! If you like anime, here’s a treat for you! Is it a safe investment? – you could ask. Well, let us tell you that it is only one of the first blockchain games ever created (in 2018), and it is still going strong. To present the timeline more precisely, 2018 was two years before the pandemic. So we’ll say to all the NFT holders that it’s a pretty safe investment.

With over 85,000 items you can use in-game or sell on the crypto market, MyCryptoHeroes is still one of the most exciting and cheapest NFT projects ever created. The cheapest options start from 0.002 ETH.

Additionally, the game has one of the more exciting features for a crypto game than most on our list, as it brings the best out of the Japanese gaming world and combines it with the crypto space.

With all of that, it’s a no-brainer. Worth checking out and investing in, even if it’s only to play the game. You can find more about it on the official MyCryptoHeroes website.


Have you ever heard about Frontier? If not, it’s a crazy world out there, and we are excited to introduce it to you. This is one of the best NFTs to buy if you like to not only invest some money but also – have some fun while doing so.

The best thing about this game is that it has some depth to it. It’s not your everyday NFT game only concerned about breeding and selling tokens. It has some thought to it, some worldbuilding you will not find in most cases. And – it’s one of the cheaper NFTs on our list, starting only from 0.015 ETH.

How does it work? Well, you are divided into two teams wanting to control the world. While doing so, you get rewards that you can use to fight an enemy or save for later to sell on the NFT marketplace.

If you feel like it could be interesting to explore, visit the official Frontier website!


MetaBlaze is one of the rising NFT projects for the future. As you have probably noticed, metaverse elements are becoming more and more popular daily. Actually, we might be buying some meta-homes for our meta-lives in a few years.

And here you have your MetaBlaze getting ahead of the curve. It’s also a game, so it’s something for everyone. How does it work? Well, that we cannot tell you. Not because we don’t want to, but it was still not launched. The presale is still ongoing, so if you want to get the piece of this cake, we suggest you do it as quickly as possible.

The concept is pretty simple; it’s a fantasy-driven RPG game in which you can fight as one of the many available races. As for writing this article, it’s only the second phase, but it’s selling relatively fast, so do not sit out this one.

To learn more, visit MetaBlaze’s official website.

HELIX Founder Pass

If you want to be a part of the new world, bring your HELIX Founder Pass. An even more metaverse-y kind of NFT project on our list is HELIX! The upcoming world is called Parallel City, in which everything is possible, and you do not have to pay taxes! Interested?

HELIX Founder Pass also grants you access to an exclusive HELIX Metaverse game three months before everyone. A P2E, PvP combat with Battle Royal and Deathmatch.

Also – unlike the other games, the rivalry will be more than just fun. It will be monetizable. The best players will get the best prizes!

It is one of the best cheap NFT projects to invest in, especially if you are interested in gaming. Skill is of the essence in the HELIX world. To learn more about it, be sure to check out the Official Helix website.

Street Machine

And the last one on our list – is the Street Machine, which is another anime-inspired collection. The floor price is 0.334 ETH for one of the 8,000 unique Street Machines to add to your portfolio. The best thing about this project is that it is an NFT collection and an NFT art. 

You see, all of the characters in Street Machine will be linked to the graphic novel, soon to be released online. With the support of such high-profile names as Rarible and Doodles, it’s a hit that will sweep the streets. Although it’s not one of the cheapest NFTs on our list, it still is one of the more interesting to participate in.

To find out more about Street Machine, visit the official website.

The Cheapest NFT Opportunities – Conclusion

And here we are, at the end. We are incredibly grateful that you took the time out of your NFT-hatching, busy life and browsed through some of the more interesting NFT opportunities. Getting started with it does not mean you have to get the most expensive NFT. As in the case of many events in the crypto space, sometimes the most incredulous thing can become an overnight sensation!

And we know buying and selling NFTs are not the most natural way of running a successful business, but it’s already here. Hence, we can only utilize this excellent blockchain technology, connect our digital wallets and seek the lowest price with no gas fees attached.

Whether we like it or not, the NFTs will probably stay with us for a while, and, as they say, if you don’t use your opportunity, someone will use it for you.

Thank you so much for reading our article, and we will see you shortly! Stay safe!

By Natan Zelik

A dedicated copywriter with vast knowledge of gaming-related topics, NFT, and broadly defined technology. Privately, a proud member of PCMR, a fan of story-driven games, anime/manga, and a crime fiction enthusiast.

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